In the episode of Gyebaek, which aired on November 14, King Uija (Jo Jae Hyun) puts Gyebaek (Lee Seo Jin) in jail for losing a battle.
At this, Dae Soo (Go Yoon Hoo) and Yong Soo (Jang Hui Woong) went to meet Cho Young. She said she had already heard that Gyebaek lost the battle at the castle Dobichun and asked if there were any other bad news.
Dae Soo and Yong Soo hesitated for a moment and said Gyebaek was imprisoned. However, Cho Young responded, “He didn’t die though,” with fortitude.
Dae Soo and Yong Soo said they would take her to Gyebaek but she responded, “If I go and see him, he might lose his strength because he would worry about me and our kids. I’ll wait for him here.”
However, after they left, she dropped down on the ground and cried, worrying about her husband.
Source: TV Report.
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